Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Pyari Maa: A Charitable Organizations For Widows

Pyaari Maa is a Charitable Organizations for a widow that serves for women welfare. We are dedicated to helping people who are left on their own and for the women who live life with poverty. 

India is generally projected as a multi-cultural and harmonious society to the rest of the world, but the other side of this multi-cultured society is discriminated way of life against women. Unfortunately, discrimination starts at a very young age at home. Girl children are very much pampered on the other hand they are discouraged to get educated. Hence, they find it very difficult to make their living when left on their own. 

A woman lives with her husbands' family after marriage. Unfortunately, when her husband dies, relatives take away all of the property or divide the assets. They often leave the wife and the children with nothing. However, this is not true with all the case, there are families who take care of their daughter in law like their own. 

There are women who are confident and financially independent. Yet, India has not witnessed the latter case; still, there are women who need help, who want guidance or support. There are women who get married at a very young age and become mothers. Thus, at the very young age, they are burdened with a lot of financial responsibilities, become weak. With the support and contributions from various people, we are able to help those needy people. 

A small contribution can enlighten a life of needy women! 

Pyari Maa: Empowering Women Through Education

Women form more than 50% of the world population and share 1% of the resources. However, In India sufferings of women are never ending from the birth to till her death. Especially the sufferings of women are doubled unfortunately if she happens to be a widow. Though the world is changing is very fast due to the globalization, few regions in India remain unchanged especially in the marriage and its related customs.

Even after the globalization, our society is not supportive even today for widow remarriage. Setting apart the laws and societal norms for women are strong in India, hence the society expects that a widow has to die as a widow irrespective of her age and surroundings be. Her suffering doesn’t stop with that.

Most of the women in India are not given proper education as the importance of female education is not encouraged. Hence she is completely dependent financially on her husband. Unfortunately, after the death of her husband, she is burdened with financial responsibilities. After being left alone by her family will completely be in a terrible state. Pyaari Maa foundation fills this gap! We help those needy people, by all means, starting from counselling to education or setting up a small business. A small contribution from you can bring a huge change in some peoples life. Women’s and elderly people’s welfare is our mission. We improve the living conditions of widows and help them make some income.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Vrindavan Widows: The Wait For Dharma Continues

Back in the year 2006, when Deepa Mehta’s Water made a national and international appearance, people started realising and connecting with the apathy of the Vrindavan widows. In the movie, the pitiable state of women in the 1930’s is depicted and post the release of the movie, the right wing activists came hard on the producers and directors. 

During the 2006, Times of India took an initiate to speak for this distressed massed. The film was primarily made to change the way the society thinks about the widows. But, things have never improved for the Vrindavan widows. Even after all the efforts and endeavours, India surpassed China in between 2010 t0 2015 in terms of widow ostracization. In India, in the span of just five years, the number of widows ostracized rose to a shameful numbers of 4.6 crore. That is, roughly 2-3% of the population of the country. 

In most of the cases, it was found that most of the widows were abandoned by their own kin and they were left to settle their lives and live on their own. The Vrindavan widow society is empowering the women of Vrindavan who are left on their own. Most of the charities and trusts are funding the program and they are providing the solution to the widows. 

Therefore, Vrindavan, which is the land of Krishna, the Hindu God who restored Dharma, is yet to experience the real dharma waiting to happen for these widows. 

Pyari Maa Foundation - How to Help Widows Around?

In the state of losing someone dear, one might become hysterical and erratic. In such times, if they are ostracized, it will lead to psychological imbalance. Therefore, everyone should deal with extreme caution when they are interacting the widows. Help doesn’t mean only financial assistance, at times, a simple sentence of care “how are you” or “are you fine” can give them solace and hope. So, in case, if you wish Pyari Maa Foundation provide help for widows, you can just be gentle to them, and the help will happen automatically. But, if you want to walk a bit further and touch their lives in a good way, here are a few things to consider.

Help them Financially 

In most of the times, in the Indian society, widows are looked down upon. Therefore, they are devoid of financial assistance, in case, if they are not self-dependent. If you come across someone who is a widow, and helpless. You can either give them some money and pass, or you can take them to the caregiver homes. At present, different old age homes and caregiver homes are giving the privilege to the widows to live with honor and dignity. In the end, compassion + integrity= peace. Show them that, and the results would be beyond imaginable thoughts.

Help them Emotionally 

Sometimes, a simple smile or a short light talk can uplift the mood. You can practice these gestures with the widows and they are bound to feel happy. As smile is always contagious.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Contribution By The Pyari Maa Foundation For The Betterment of The Society

Pyari maa foundation is a non commercial organization which works for the betterment as well as upliftment of the weaker section of the society. Pyari maa foundation tries to help all the needy and the underprivileged. It has a team of members associated with them who works for the purpose to make other live a happy one. Their main focus of the organization is to help the widows as well as the elderly people who cannot take care of their own.

Betterment of widows
The organization mainly focuses on the betterment of the widows. They ensure that the needy and poor widows are provided with all the essentials. Moreover, they provide the widows with healthy food, hygienic clothing and shelter to increases the quality of living of the widows .

Caring for the elders 
The foundation also aims to provide help to the elderly. They ensure that the elders who are unable to care for themselves are given the utmost care and attention. An elder care home is maintained for the elders and a team of members is associated with it provides them medical help as well as all the essentials.

The foundation also provides help to the weaker section of the society who are poor and needy. For the betterment of the underprivileged they organize various health camps as well as provide them with food. The main approach of the organization is the welfare and development of the society.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Selfless Service Towards Widows

Seva is a hindi word which means selfless service, where one do everything without any profitable condition. It is a supreme act of kindness in which you address or offers your service in favour of society. helping many to live life peacefully with respect. They serving abandon widows from all over the country giving them shelter and basic amenities. They giving a fair chance to them to live life. They provides food and health beneficiary medical check-ups. They organize proper health camps regularly and gives free of cost ambulance services to all. They provide medicine facilities. There are many woman who have small children for them they also secure the right of education so they can have a bright future. These foundations make them independent and allow them to earn a little by teaching them sewing and craft work like bead and pottery. Also make them literate so they can do their bank work and pf account work. also aware them so they can match the step with society and not feel neglected.

Pyari Maa Foundation doing this great work and changing many life’s. They provide all necessities to them. These women are devotees and worship lord Krishna. They spend their most of time to do bhajans and read holy books. They also do clothes distribution among needy and poor women.