Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Pyari Maa: A Charitable Organizations For Widows

Pyaari Maa is a Charitable Organizations for a widow that serves for women welfare. We are dedicated to helping people who are left on their own and for the women who live life with poverty. 

India is generally projected as a multi-cultural and harmonious society to the rest of the world, but the other side of this multi-cultured society is discriminated way of life against women. Unfortunately, discrimination starts at a very young age at home. Girl children are very much pampered on the other hand they are discouraged to get educated. Hence, they find it very difficult to make their living when left on their own. 

A woman lives with her husbands' family after marriage. Unfortunately, when her husband dies, relatives take away all of the property or divide the assets. They often leave the wife and the children with nothing. However, this is not true with all the case, there are families who take care of their daughter in law like their own. 

There are women who are confident and financially independent. Yet, India has not witnessed the latter case; still, there are women who need help, who want guidance or support. There are women who get married at a very young age and become mothers. Thus, at the very young age, they are burdened with a lot of financial responsibilities, become weak. With the support and contributions from various people, we are able to help those needy people. 

A small contribution can enlighten a life of needy women! 

Pyari Maa: Empowering Women Through Education

Women form more than 50% of the world population and share 1% of the resources. However, In India sufferings of women are never ending from the birth to till her death. Especially the sufferings of women are doubled unfortunately if she happens to be a widow. Though the world is changing is very fast due to the globalization, few regions in India remain unchanged especially in the marriage and its related customs.

Even after the globalization, our society is not supportive even today for widow remarriage. Setting apart the laws and societal norms for women are strong in India, hence the society expects that a widow has to die as a widow irrespective of her age and surroundings be. Her suffering doesn’t stop with that.

Most of the women in India are not given proper education as the importance of female education is not encouraged. Hence she is completely dependent financially on her husband. Unfortunately, after the death of her husband, she is burdened with financial responsibilities. After being left alone by her family will completely be in a terrible state. Pyaari Maa foundation fills this gap! We help those needy people, by all means, starting from counselling to education or setting up a small business. A small contribution from you can bring a huge change in some peoples life. Women’s and elderly people’s welfare is our mission. We improve the living conditions of widows and help them make some income.